We all have a natural movement towards healing and well being. As we go through life, we adopt survival mechanisms, defenses, and personality structures in attempt to get the love and care that we need in an imperfect environment. We continue to habitually use these unconscious mechanisms even after they no longer serve us. These patterns that once protected and served our needs now stand in the way of our presence, creativity, and energy. The inner work is about processing these blockages so that we can access our true nature, which is essentially free and happy.
Somatic therapy focuses on the body-mind connection. In our modern culture, we often forget about the body, unless we are criticizing it or trying to improve it. However, our bodies store immense wisdom, and are constantly sending us messages. Our bodies also store our past traumas, which are not remembered completely verbally and cognitively. Therefore working with the body allows us to access parts of ourselves and our experience that talking alone cannot. Somatic therapy helps you slow down and connect with the resources contained within the body. This experiential process can help you restore a sense of inner stability and peace.
Transpersonal psychology incorporates the elements of spirit and soul into the therapeutic process. I utilize the Enneagram to guide and tailor our work to your specific strengths and challenges. Sometimes you can only get so far with traditional talk therapy, and positive change requires a broader perspective, which honors the unseen realms that affect our experience. All manner of healing begins with the energy behind it. Transpersonal therapy helps tap into the causative layers of existence, as well as develop a larger container to hold and process your experience. Ultimately, healing is about expanding your awareness so that you can live from a more embodied and conscious place.
We are shaped by our early childhood experiences. Our relationships with our first caregivers and family of origin create a blueprint for how we view ourselves, the world, and others. In order to achieve deep and lasting healing, we must understand the foundation upon which our unhealthy patterns are built upon. This does not mean that we dwell on the past, but rather that we work to integrate our subconscious material so that we can have more choice and presence in our lives today.
Relationships are an integral and central aspect to life, and our relationships directly impact the quality of our lives. Most often, our wounding happens within the context of relationships. The good news is that healing also happens within relationship. Using the unique and personal relationship between therapist and client as a mirror, I can help you improve your relationships both with yourself and others. We will work to resolve dysfunctional patterns and learn new ways of communicating and getting your relational needs met.